>> Payment of Contribution |
Employers Divided into Two
categories |
Category |
- |
Employers who
are having 15 or more employees. |
Smaller Category |
- |
Employers who are having
less than 15 employees. |
Manual Mode |
Mode |
The Total
Amount should be remitted to ;
Employees' Trust Fund Board
10 th Floor, Labour Secretariat
Colombo 5. |
Manual Mode(Payments
by Cheques/Money
Orders/Cash) |
All payments should be made
along with a duly filled Advice of Remittance
( R1 or R4 Form ) in
duplicate.The duplicate copy of the form would
be returned to the Employer by the ETF Boardin
acknowledgement of the remittance. |
All cheques/Bank drafts must
be crossed and payable to "Employees'
Trust Fund Board". Payments by
money Orders should be made favoring
"Employees' Trust Fund
Board". Paying office to be
indicated as "General Post
Office". |
Payments by cheques& money
orders may be made to the ETF Head Office at
Narahenpita,ETF office at ColomboFort and to
the regional offices at Gampaha, Kandy,
Matara,Kurunegala, Galle, Ratnapura,
Anuradhapura, Kalutara, Hatton, Badulla,
Kegalle,Hambantota&Ampara. |
Payments by cash are
accepted only at Bank of Ceylon- Torrington
Square branch,Bank of Ceylon - Super Grade
Branch at Pettah, and People's Bank -
Narahenpita branch. |
Amount in the cheque or money
order should tally with the total amount
indicated in the Remittance Form. |
A separate remittance form
should be used for each month in respect of
payments ofarrears. If not so, please attach a
separate schedule indicating the breakdown of
the total amount. |
Employers who make payments
with R1 Remittance Form
should continue the same procedure, even
though the number of employees falls below 15
in any month. All government and
semi-government institutions should use R1 Remittance Forms to
makepayments. Individual member contribution
details should be sent in Form II form on half
yearlybasis. For details please contact
Manager - Member Accounts (Larger Category) on
Telephone No. 011-2369596 |
Employers who wish to
change the Remittance Form from R4 to R1, as a result of
increasing the number of employees in
their establishments, should inform the
ETF Office, for necessary instructions,
before changing the remittance form. (Tel.
011-2581704 - Ext. 623) |
Important |
Employers who
have more than 15 employees must
use the R1 Remittance
Form and employers who have
less than 15 employees may use the
R4 Remittance
Form when they make monthly
contributions. |
Important |
contributions should reach ETF
Board on or before the last
working day of the following
month. |
For further details please
contact the ETF Office on Telephone Nos.011-
2368160, 011-2503911,
011-2368508, 011-2581704.
Electronic Mode (Payments
through Internet) |
ETF Board has introduced
on-line payment scheme, since it is the most
convenient and quick payment system. |
Through Internet, Employers
are able to pay Contributions&Surcharges to
the ETF Board and upload contribution
details of the members, 24 hours of any day
irrespectiveof a bank holiday from their own
office or from any remote location. |
At present this facility is
available for the account holders of Bank of
Ceylon, People's Bank, Commercial Bank of
Ceylon, Hatton National Bank, Sampath Bank and
National Development Bank. |
Please contact the
following officers and register with ETF
e-banking scheme. |
Mr. Aruna
Service Manager
Bank of Ceylon - Corporate
Tel : 011
2471613 / 011 2203104
Mrs. Dilanka
Relationship Officer
Bank of Ceylon - Corporate
Tel :011-2203108
/ 011-2399560
Mr. D.S. Dushan
Staff Assistant
People's Bank -
Narahenpita Branch
Tel. 011-2594503
Ms. K.M. Upamali
Staff Assistant
People's Bank -
Narahenpita Branch
Tel. 011-2594503
Mr. Brian Thomas
Junior Executive
e-Banking Centre
Commercial Bank of Ceylon
Tel. 011-2353480
Mr. Malith
Junior Executive
e-Banking Centre
Commercial Bank of Ceylon
Tel. 011-2353594
Fax. 011-4718241
Mrs. Vidushi
Junior Executive
Network Service
Center Sampath Bank
011-4730593, 011-4730572
Mr. Amith
Junior Executive
Network Service
Center Sampath Bank
011-4730593, 011-4730572
Mr. Rohan Perera
Brand Manager
HNB Payfast Unit
Hatton National Bank PLC
011-2661976, 011-2661960
Mr. Gihan
Bank Associate
HNB Payfast Unit
Hatton National Bank PLC
011-2661976, 011-2661960
Mrs. Bodhi
Deputy Manager
Development Bank
Tel. 011-2448448
Ext. 3397
Mr. Thanuja
Bank Associate
Development Bank
Tel. 011-2448448
Ext. 3396
The file format of the
magnetic media file to upload the Form II/
R4(Member details) through Internet are given
in the Form II /R4 member
datafile format details.
Prior to make the payments please obtain
details about uploading of member
contributions from Manager (Member Accounts -
Larger Category) of ETF Board on 011-2369596
In case of surcharge
payments, entering of Surcharge Notice number
is mandatory. |
Please obtain a receipt
from the computer as an acknowledgement.
Receipts are not issued by theETF Board for
payments made through Internet. |
For delayed payments (when
the amount paid is less than the calculated
contribution a penalty will be added according
to the number of days from the underpayment to
the full payment). |
For delayed payments
Surcharge payable on contribution
For a delay not exceeding 10 days |
For a delay between 11 days to 01 month
For a delay between 01 to 03 months |
For a delay between 03 to 06 months |
For a delay between 06 to 12 months |
For a delay exceeding 12 months |
For delayed
returns (Form II) |
Employers who are liable to contribute to the
ETF under remittance form R1 are
required to furnish half yearly return
incorporating details of contributions made on
behalf of its employees in respect of each
month in the following manner. |
1 st half year return (January to
June) on or before 31 st August of the
same year. |
2 nd half year return
(July to December) on or before 28 th
February of the following year. |
Employers who are
submitting the above returns after the due
date shall be liable to pay a surcharge at
the rate of one percent of the amount of the
contribution to which the return relates for
every completed month or part thereof from
the last date on or before which the return
was due to the date of receipt by the Board
of a duly completed and correct return.
of Employers with the ETF
Unlike EPF, ETF has no
registration procedure prior to making
The first and foremost
obligation of any employer who has started a
business and recruited his 1 st employee is to
register the business with the Commissioner
General of Labour and obtain a registration
number for the employment. |
On receipt of the
Registration Number from the Labour Department
the employer must either write or personally
call over at the ETF Office and obtain the
relevant forms and instructions to make
payments to the ETF. |
Once the 1 st contribution
is received at the ETF Board that employer
will be entered in the "Contributing
Employers List" in the ETF. |
Employers who are
contributing to approved Provident Funds are
given separate Numbers from the ETF. Such
employers should quote that Number in all
monthly remittance forms half yearly returns
and other correspondences. |
The ETF does not have a
separate registration system. Therefore, the
ETF is also using the employers EPF
registration number for their payment and
other activities. The new employers who are
not obtained an EPF number can obtain a
temporary number from the
Contribution/Collection Section of ETF for
their payments until they get the EPF
registration number from the Labour
Assigning of Numbers
to Members |
It is the responsibility of
the employer to assign numbers to his
employees. |
Under no circumstances a
number once given to an Employee should be
allocated to another employee even if such
employee has left the organization. |
If an employee who has
resigned rejoins the same company after
obtaining the ETF refund should be given a new
number. |
Who is
eligible for membership |
The nature of the job is
irrelevant. The category of employment is
immaterial. Employer should be contributed
whether they are permanent, temporary,
apprentice, casual or shift workers.
Employees working on piece
rate, contract basis, commission basis, work
performed any manner what so ever are eligible
for membership |
Action on Defaultered Employers
The Enforcement &
Prosecution Officers are following up
about the defaultered and non-contributing
employers. "Every employer who is liable
to pay contributions to the Fund as
specified by the Employees' Trust Fund Act No.
46 of 1980 and its amendments should pay
contributions to the Fund on time.
Otherwise the enforcement & prosecution
officers will implement all necessary actions
for these defaultered and
noncontributed employers to make the payment
with the additional surcharges.
In the event of underpayment or nonpayment
of contributions any employee can make a
written complain with an affidavit to
Chairman, General Manager or DGM(E & RD)
any Area Business Manager. Employees can make
their complaints against their employers
through letters, e-mail or personally
to the ETF offices. If the employer doesn't
fully comply with the orders made by the ETF
Board will take legal action
against the respective employer to safeguard
the rights of the employees. |