Bid File No.: ETF/PROC/A/2021/118
The Department Consultants Procurement Committee (CPCD) on behalf of Employees’ Trust Fund Board invites proposals to provide the above Consulting Services.
The Consultancy Organization will be selected under “Quality & Cost Based Selection” (QCBS) method and procedures described in this RFP, in accordance with the policies described in the latest version of the Guidelines on Selection and Employment of Consultants, published by National Procurement Agency.
This RFP includes the following documents; i. Letter Of Invitation ii. Instructions to Consultants (including Data Sheet) iii. Technical proposal – Standard Forms iv. Financial proposal – Standard Form v. Terms of Reference vi. Standard Form of Contract
The complete set of “Request for Proposal”(RFP) could be downloaded from here
4. RFP shall submit the proposals of “Technical” & “Financial” in 02 separate Envelopes and to be deposited in the Tender Box No. 06, kept at Procurement Section, 23rd Floor, “Mehewara Piyesa”, Narahenpita, Colombo 5, on or before 10.30 a.m. on 10th December 2021 (Friday).
5. The “Technical proposals” of RFP shall be opened at 10.30 am on 10th December 2021 (Friday) at Procurement Section, 23rd Floor, “Mehewara Piyesa”, Narahenpita, Colombo 5 and the “Financial proposals” shall be remained unopened.
6. The Date & Time for the opening of “Financial proposals” of the qualified proposals shall be notified in advance to the individual consultants and consultancy
7. For further clarifications on Guidelines please refer the website for the document “NPA Standard Request for proposal – Selection of Consultant – published by NPA in December 2007”
8. Envelopes shall be marked as “Technical” or “Financial” in the top left
9. Proposals receive after the deadline shall be not accepted and
10. For further information on “Change Management process”; please contact Mr. Pushparanga Weerasekara – AGM (IT), Tel: 071 7064633 and for Procurement related information please contacts Manager (Procurement); 011 7747236 / 011 2806198
Chairman / CEO
Employees’ Trust Fund Board
19th – 23rd Floors,
“Mehewara Piyesa”
Colombo 05.